Thursday, January 31, 2013
Duncan had come over for our daily snuggle and was all curled up purring on my chest when a flock of birds flew onto the tree outside our living room window. Needless to say, snuggle time is over!
This crazy weather is killing me!
This winter has been nuts weather-wise. One day its 26 degrees and 2 days later its 54! We've gone from being bundled up like Nanook of the North to shorts and t-shirts and its making Duncan crazy! That's the only explanation I can come up with for his midnight insanity! The past couple days its been warm again and he's back to his 3:00 am Indy 500 runs thru the bedroom! The way the furniture is set up, he can run from one end to the other without ever touching the floor. Of course, the bed -- and my pillow! -- is in the middle of this track! Last night was wicked with a wild thunderstorm and howling winds which kept waking me up but then the REAL craziness hit when Hurricane Duncan went on his bedroom rampage! His usual running around is enough to wake the dead but last night he added a new dimension -- he was chirping and meowing every time he hit the top shelf of the hutch on one of the dressers and when he pounced on or dashed across my head! I'd get up and tell him to knock it off and he'd quiet down -- till I went back to sleep. Then he'd start all over again! But now I have a new weapon! This clown is fearless when it comes to heights but he has a complete meltdown when confronted with the inner cardboard tube of wrapping paper! I would NEVER hit him with it but just seeing it is enough to strike fear in his heart and if I smack it against a dresser or bedpost it seems to be his worst nightmare come true! So finally, around 4:30 when I was ready to cry from lack of sleep, I went and got the tube and just walked into the bedroom with it, leaned it against the dresser next to the bed and that was the end of the insanity! God bless whoever invented those wonderful cardboard tubes!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
We need an "Off" button!
I don't know who wound Duncan up today but he's been in perpetual motion mode all day! Friends are coming over for the Rangers' game tonight so I've been trying to get things done around here and he's been right under my feet the whole time! Every closet I open, he has to get inside and run an inspection; everything I move, he has to check to make sure it belongs there; every time I sit down to give my back a rest, he has to be on top of me! LOL! Evidently his spring just unwound, tho! I looked around to see why he wasn't on my lap as I'm typing and he's passed out on his pillow! FINALLY! Of course, it won't last long -- its almost dinner time for my little knucklehead!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Such a silly little boy!
I was leaving the kitchen when I heard the distinct sound of rustling plastic bags and knew Duncan wasn't in the kitchen bags so I went searching. The sounds seemed to be coming from the bedroom so I went in and looked around -- no Duncan! But there was that sound again! I have a bag of clothes to go out the next time Cystic Fibrosis is collecting in the neighborhood and he's already broken thru the bottom of it so I looked a little closer and there he was -- all curled up inside getting ready for a little nap on top of the clothes! Silliest little boy! He always makes me laugh!
Friday, January 18, 2013
DUNCAN'S HOME!!!! He's a little wobbly but still able to jump up on the kitchen counter -- he was STARVING and couldn't wait for me to put the food on his plate, let alone put it on the floor for him! LOL! Oh, its SO good to have him home! He's not usually a chatterbox but he told me EVERYTHING they did to him there on the ride home and seems to have finally gotten it all out of his system! I just can't wait for snuggle time but I'll leave that up to him -- he's had a big day and seems to need to reassure himself that all his toys are still here first! Such a good boy! He does have to go back for an ear flush -- he's got an ear infection -- but they gave him a long-acting antibiotic shot. He also needs his teeth cleaned when he goes back and both will require sedation again so we'll wait a bit and let him recover from this trip before he's subjected to even more indignities. And evidently its snuggle time since he just jumped up in my lap! Oops, spoke (or is it typed?) too soon -- there seems to be something exciting going on outside so he's back in his window! Oh well, all in good time. I'm just happy to have him home!
Visiting the vet
Just got home from dropping Duncan off at the vet's office. Of course he hollered the whole way there -- thankfully we're only about 10 minutes from the vet! -- and while we were waiting for one of the techs to come get him. I know he needs to go there but I always feel like a traitor when I take him, especially when I have to leave him for the day! Poor little boy! Its so quiet here without him. 4:00 can't come fast enough. Glad I have things to do to keep me busy so the time will go quickly. I know he'll be coming home but the house still feels so empty without him. Its amazing how the little things become so big when he's not here. When I was still working my neighbor would sometimes take him downstairs for a visit when I'd first come in and I loved having a few minutes to decompress from the day and the commute but since I retired I hate not having him here all the time -- even when I'm tripping over him! Or when he comes flying in from the other room and leaps onto my lap as if to say "HERE I AM!"; when he climbs up on my knee and head butts for kisses so I'll give him some of my food; when he races around the house like his butt's on fire -- all the crazy little things he does that make me laugh.
Ok. Enough! I'm sure this melancholy that seems to be taking over is mostly a lack of sleep -- I never sleep well when I have to be up early because I'm always afraid I'll oversleep -- but, again, 4:00 can't come fast enough!
Ok. Enough! I'm sure this melancholy that seems to be taking over is mostly a lack of sleep -- I never sleep well when I have to be up early because I'm always afraid I'll oversleep -- but, again, 4:00 can't come fast enough!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Duncan and the Microchip - the saga finally ends!
To chip or not to chip; that is the REAL question! Duncan is due to go for his chip tomorrow and I've been reading about these things causing cancer in pets which makes sense to me -- that a foreign object implanted in a body would cause a tumor to develop. 15 years ago I lost Gus to his rabies shots. 1 in 30,000 cats will develop an injection site sarcoma from their shots. My Gus was that 1. He was only 8 years old and had survived 4 bouts of FUS so losing him to something that I feel a responsible pet owner should do was a nightmare. Now I see that 8 out of 11 studies have shown a link to microchips and tumors. I just don't want Duncan to have those kinds of odds, especially since he is strictly an indoor kitty and, barring any natural disasters such as Sandy striking again, there really isn't much chance of his getting lost. Of course, that's the same (obviously flawed!) logic that had me heading to work at the World Trade Center on a bright, sunny morning in September! Yeah, my mind is a terrible place to live! Anyway, I've been struggling with this since I made the decision to have him chipped shortly after Sandy and the panic set in seeing all those lost furbabies but now the struggle is over. I just called the vet and cancelled the procedure. He's still going in tomorrow morning and will be sedated to have his ears checked -- he really is a demon about having his ears touched! I'm living (and bloodied) proof of that! -- and while he's out he'll get his rabies shots and a "pedicure"! LOL! I actually just cancelled my pedicure for tomorrow because I'm concerned about time -- I was due to go for a fill-in and pedicure at 1:30 and I'm usually done by 3:00 or 3:30 but that's about the time I have to go pick Duncan up and I don't want to take a chance of running late for something that important so I'll just get the fill-in since I cracked a nail and need it fixed before it breaks! There will be plenty of time to get that done and get my nails dry before I have to run to pick up the Big Guy but I'd hate to spend all that time and money and then mess up my pedicure because I had to shove my newly polished tootsies into my shoes to run over to the vet's office! So, all things considered and having done extensive homework on this subject (read: endless flip/flopping!), Duncan will remain chip-free and be around to make me crazy worrying about his safety for many more years!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Ear drop update!
Well, we both survived the first round of ear drops! We got the first ear done and then Duncan made his escape so I had to chase him around the house for a bit before we could do the second ear but he's done for tonight and has his treats and some catnip so we'll see how it goes tomorrow morning! In the meantime, anyone know how to get blood stains out of a t-shirt?! And, yes, its MY blood, not Duncan's! But I did pay attention to how Dr. Leary handled him and scruffing works -- until you have to let go to put the drops in, anyway!
A visit to the vet's office!
We went to visit the vet today and Duncan was NOT a happy camper! As always, he jumped right into his carrier. For some reason, he never associates it with the vet's office and he's always up for a new adventure! He was fine on the ride over and had no problem in the waiting room but once we got into the exam room the growling and hissing started! I think all the assistants and technicians there are terrified of my little guy! We got to see Dr. Leary, tho -- my favorite vet in the whole world! -- and once he walked in, Duncan settled right down. I think that's more because he knows Dr. Leary won't put up with his nonsense than anything else! Dr. Leary has taken care of all my kitties. He was with Gus and me right up till the end and he was there with me when it was Sybbie's turn and Esa's turn to join Gus at the Rainbow Bridge. He is the most wonderful and compassionate man and has been so kind and caring with all my furbabies, even when Syb would give him a bad time, and I will never be able to thank him enough. It was a really sad day there, tho. While we were waiting our turn 2 women came out after having just had a furbaby put down and 2 other people left crying while we were waiting for Duncan's ear drops and I just can't help myself -- every time someone came out, I started crying, too. I can feel the tears welling up right now just thinking about it! I'm just so thankful Duncan is still a baby and has many years left before we have to make that trip. But tonight should be interesting when he gets his first round of ear drops! Hopefully I'll still have both arms and hands left to continue reporting on his antics!
We go back on January 18 for him to microchipped and he has to be there by 9:00 a.m. because Dr. Leary said it'll be best to sedate him! No kidding?!! He really is the sweetest little boy but he becomes the most ferocious tiger when he gets in that room! He'll get his yearly shots and have his claws clipped while he's there as well and they'll also check his ears more thoroughly so he's going to have a busy day. Poor little guy! I've been second-guessing myself about this ever since I made the appointment shortly after Hurricane Sandy but Dr. Leary answered all my questions and calmed my fears but I still hate having to leave him there. I know I'll be a basket case till I get the call to go pick him up but I know its the right thing to do. The thought of losing my little guy totally overshadows my fear of having him go thru the microchipping! And it'll give me an excuse to spoil him even more when he comes home -- he'll definitely have lots of lovings and his favorite treats waiting for him and maybe we'll even get some more videos of him acting all goofy from being sedated! In fact, I think I need to go snuggle him right now!
We go back on January 18 for him to microchipped and he has to be there by 9:00 a.m. because Dr. Leary said it'll be best to sedate him! No kidding?!! He really is the sweetest little boy but he becomes the most ferocious tiger when he gets in that room! He'll get his yearly shots and have his claws clipped while he's there as well and they'll also check his ears more thoroughly so he's going to have a busy day. Poor little guy! I've been second-guessing myself about this ever since I made the appointment shortly after Hurricane Sandy but Dr. Leary answered all my questions and calmed my fears but I still hate having to leave him there. I know I'll be a basket case till I get the call to go pick him up but I know its the right thing to do. The thought of losing my little guy totally overshadows my fear of having him go thru the microchipping! And it'll give me an excuse to spoil him even more when he comes home -- he'll definitely have lots of lovings and his favorite treats waiting for him and maybe we'll even get some more videos of him acting all goofy from being sedated! In fact, I think I need to go snuggle him right now!