Duncan and the Microchip - the saga finally ends!
To chip or not to chip; that is the REAL question! Duncan is due to go for his chip tomorrow and I've been reading about these things causing cancer in pets which makes sense to me -- that a foreign object implanted in a body would cause a tumor to develop. 15 years ago I lost Gus to his rabies shots. 1 in 30,000 cats will develop an injection site sarcoma from their shots. My Gus was that 1. He was only 8 years old and had survived 4 bouts of FUS so losing him to something that I feel a responsible pet owner should do was a nightmare. Now I see that 8 out of 11 studies have shown a link to microchips and tumors. I just don't want Duncan to have those kinds of odds, especially since he is strictly an indoor kitty and, barring any natural disasters such as Sandy striking again, there really isn't much chance of his getting lost. Of course, that's the same (obviously flawed!) logic that had me heading to work at the World Trade Center on a bright, sunny morning in September! Yeah, my mind is a terrible place to live! Anyway, I've been struggling with this since I made the decision to have him chipped shortly after Sandy and the panic set in seeing all those lost furbabies but now the struggle is over. I just called the vet and cancelled the procedure. He's still going in tomorrow morning and will be sedated to have his ears checked -- he really is a demon about having his ears touched! I'm living (and bloodied) proof of that! -- and while he's out he'll get his rabies shots and a "pedicure"! LOL! I actually just cancelled my pedicure for tomorrow because I'm concerned about time -- I was due to go for a fill-in and pedicure at 1:30 and I'm usually done by 3:00 or 3:30 but that's about the time I have to go pick Duncan up and I don't want to take a chance of running late for something that important so I'll just get the fill-in since I cracked a nail and need it fixed before it breaks! There will be plenty of time to get that done and get my nails dry before I have to run to pick up the Big Guy but I'd hate to spend all that time and money and then mess up my pedicure because I had to shove my newly polished tootsies into my shoes to run over to the vet's office! So, all things considered and having done extensive homework on this subject (read: endless flip/flopping!), Duncan will remain chip-free and be around to make me crazy worrying about his safety for many more years!
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