Duncan's Blog

Duncan \d(u)-ncan, dun-can\ as a boy's name is pronounced DUN-kin. It is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Duncan is "dark warrior; brown fighter". A royal name in early Scotland. Literary: in Shakespeare's "Macbeth", Duncan is king of Scotland.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A visit to the vet's office!

We went to visit the vet today and Duncan was NOT a happy camper!  As always, he jumped right into his carrier.  For some reason, he never associates it with the vet's office and he's always up for a new adventure!  He was fine on the ride over and had no problem in the waiting room but once we got into the exam room the growling and hissing started!  I think all the assistants and technicians there are terrified of my little guy!  We got to see Dr. Leary, tho -- my favorite vet in the whole world! -- and once he walked in, Duncan settled right down.  I think that's more because he knows Dr. Leary won't put up with his nonsense than anything else!  Dr. Leary has taken care of all my kitties.  He was with Gus and me right up till the end and he was there with me when it was Sybbie's turn and Esa's turn to join Gus at the Rainbow Bridge.  He is the most wonderful and compassionate man and has been so kind and caring with all my furbabies, even when Syb would give him a bad time, and I will never be able to thank him enough.  It was a really sad day there, tho.  While we were waiting our turn 2 women came out after having just had a furbaby put down and 2 other people left crying while we were waiting for Duncan's ear drops and I just can't help myself -- every time someone came out, I started crying, too.  I can feel the tears welling up right now just thinking about it!  I'm just so thankful Duncan is still a baby and has many years left before we have to make that trip.  But tonight should be interesting when he gets his first round of ear drops!  Hopefully I'll still have both arms and hands left to continue reporting on his antics!  

We go back on January 18 for him to microchipped and he has to be there by 9:00 a.m. because Dr. Leary said it'll be best to sedate him!  No kidding?!!  He really is the sweetest little boy but he becomes the most ferocious tiger when he gets in that room!  He'll get his yearly shots and have his claws clipped while he's there as well and they'll also check his ears more thoroughly so he's going to have a busy day.  Poor little guy!  I've been second-guessing myself about this ever since I made the appointment shortly after Hurricane Sandy but Dr. Leary answered all my questions and calmed my fears but I still hate having to leave him there.  I know I'll be a basket case till I get the call to go pick him up but I know its the right thing to do.  The thought of losing my little guy totally overshadows my fear of having him go thru the microchipping!  And it'll give me an excuse to spoil him even more when he comes home -- he'll definitely have lots of lovings and his favorite treats waiting for him and maybe we'll even get some more videos of him acting all goofy from being sedated!  In fact, I think I need to go snuggle him right now!         


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