Monday, February 27, 2012
Such a good helper kitty!
Duncan is just the best little helper! I ran into the kitchen to clean some grapes -- yes, trying to snack healthy! -- between periods in the Rangers game and, naturally, he had to come "help" me! What Duncan doesn't seem to understand is that there's only 20 minutes between periods in hockey which doesn't give me all that much time for chasing grapes all over the kitchen! LOL! But he means well, right?! Once again, he's damn lucky he's so doggone cute!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
What next?!
It's 2:00 a.m. and I just dug a piece of cantaloupe out from under the table in the kitchen. Why? Because DUNCAN decided it was a great toy! I woke up around 1:30 with this cough that has been bothering me off and on all week, grabbed a can of diet Coke and came in the living room to wait for the Mucinex to kick in. I kept hearing strange noises in the kitchen but figured it was just Duncan emptying out my towel drawer AGAIN. Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore and went to the kitchen to make him stop and imagine my surprise to see the refrigerator door open!!!!!! I KNOW I closed it! But my enterprising little clown figured out how to open it, scooped a piece of melon out of the bowl on the bottom shelf -- I know, I know, I SHOULD have put a lid on the bowl! -- and then batted it under the table! HOW THE HELL DOES HE DO THESE THINGS?! WHY does he do these things?! It's not like he doesn't have hundreds of toys all over the house! Evidently all the mice, catnip toys, bottle caps and cat trees aren't enough! No! Now he has to play with food, too?! Maybe I should contact Jackson Galaxy for help with My Cat From Hell!
Tomorrow I plan on picking up a dowel to put through the drawer handles to keep him out of them but now I'm going to have to find some way to lock the fridge, too! What on earth will this little knucklehead get into next?!
Tomorrow I plan on picking up a dowel to put through the drawer handles to keep him out of them but now I'm going to have to find some way to lock the fridge, too! What on earth will this little knucklehead get into next?!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Staring contests!
There are all kinds of staring contests but this one is one of the strange kind! Duncan just knocked over my tea cup and spilled what was, fortunately, just the dregs of my tea all over the place. Also fortunate was the fact that he missed the computer! All because I didn't toss his mouse quickly enough -- thanks a lot Maria! So now he's sitting on his scratching board staring at my hand -- which he KNOWS has his mouse inside! -- and I'm sitting here staring at him staring at my hand! Goofy cat! It still amazes me how the silliest things can make me love him more and more and how I constantly feel the need to post about them! LOL!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Duncan's in trouble AGAIN!
Now he owes the boys downstairs an apology! He has a NEW trick -- he gets into the cabinet over the refrigerator and just tosses things out! Well, his last foray was around 2:30/3:00 this morning while everyone else in the house was trying to SLEEP! Woke me right up but then, I knew I had to get up early this morning to wait for the FedEx guy to bring Duncan's new cat tree so I wasn't sleeping well to begin with, and evidently it also woke my neighbor downstairs! Poor Theresa thought it was her boys making noise and that they'd woken me up so she yelled at them! They're really not boys, they're young men, but they're great kids -- always ready to lend the old lady upstairs a hand carting groceries or cleaning my car when it snows AND digging it out for me and they always stop to chat when we meet in the yard. Just really great kids and now they're catching flak for Duncan's nightly shenanigans! Guess I'm going to have to make some brownies or maybe cookies and take them downstairs to apologize for my little troublemaker!
Duncan's new cat tree!
Well, it finally got here and that's when I found out it had to be put together! I KNOW I checked to make sure it didn't say "assembly required"! And THEN, there were no instructions! Had to bring up the picture of it online so I could figure it out! But its done and Duncan seems to really like it! Although, he did just fall off it so we'll see if he goes back! Little goofball! How do you fall off a cat tree?! LOL! I had to entice him to get back on it after I got my camera out by tossing his new mouse that my friend Maria sent him so that's what he's doing here -- trying to find his mousie! Hopefully later I can get some pix of him in the little condo -- he looked so cute but, of course, that was BEFORE I could get the camera working!