We all have that one part of our bodies that we wish we could change. For me, its my nose. I've got my dad's nose -- and his feet, but that's a whole 'nother rant! -- and I've always hated it. Well, almost always. For a short time during my mid-30s -- when I was REALLY skinny! -- I decided it was what made my "look" more distinct, different from everyone else. So the other night when Duncan and I were playing, of course he nipped me right on the end of my nose and now I've got a nice red lump there! Just like those pictures of an old hag, ya know?! Gee, thanks a lot, Duncan! Like I'm not self-conscious enough!
In the meantime, Duncan continues to force me to rearrange our home! I've been concerned about the glass on his latest favorite perch breaking since he insists on pouncing on it from the windowsill so now the glass box with Michael Crawford's hat has found a new home on top of the wall unit. Unfortunately, it doesn't look very good up there but for now its out of harm's way. One of these days I'm going to have to drag a kitchen chair into the living room and rearrange better but till then, I'll just have to live with it as it is. He has another perch set up there -- one of the decorative storage boxes that I use for cds and dvds -- and it looks quite good there so that's a good thing! Just not sure he's real happy with the change! Oh well! At least he's safe!
In the meantime, Duncan continues to force me to rearrange our home! I've been concerned about the glass on his latest favorite perch breaking since he insists on pouncing on it from the windowsill so now the glass box with Michael Crawford's hat has found a new home on top of the wall unit. Unfortunately, it doesn't look very good up there but for now its out of harm's way. One of these days I'm going to have to drag a kitchen chair into the living room and rearrange better but till then, I'll just have to live with it as it is. He has another perch set up there -- one of the decorative storage boxes that I use for cds and dvds -- and it looks quite good there so that's a good thing! Just not sure he's real happy with the change! Oh well! At least he's safe!
At July 18, 2011 at 3:35 PM ,
Kathe said...
Ok, I've managed to do something to this post that makes the last few sentences look highlighted and have no clue how to fix it! Any suggestions?!
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