Duncan's Blog

Duncan \d(u)-ncan, dun-can\ as a boy's name is pronounced DUN-kin. It is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Duncan is "dark warrior; brown fighter". A royal name in early Scotland. Literary: in Shakespeare's "Macbeth", Duncan is king of Scotland.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

As usual, life gets in the way!

I was so determined not to get behind on this blog and then life happened!  Its been a crazy week and a half what with work, commuting, grocery shopping, doctor visits, my wonderfully considerate neighbors (yes, I AM being extremely sarcastic here!) who see the gimpy broad (me!) hobbling to and from her car every day and evidently get such a kick out of this show that they all park as close to my house as possible (especially when I've got LOTS of groceries to cart or its raining and I've got the spare umbrella from under my desk which is the size of a postage stamp) so that I wind up parking 5 houses away, laundry and family visiting from out of state -- it was wonderful to see my sister and my niece and I really do love them but I'm glad they were staying with my mom and dad because it still seriously cut into my weekend time!  So now its time to play catch-up.  So, first installment, back to Duncan’s birthday weekend!

Well, Duncan did get his ice cream for his birthday but instead of a Carvel ice cream cake he wound up with a Hagen Daz vanilla ice cream cup simply because the ShopRite where I was either didn't have Carvel cakes or they kept them so well hidden that I couldn't find them and I was NOT going to another store for one!  I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that, yes, I have finally become a Crazy Cat Lady but I'm trying my best to keep some limits to just how crazy I get with this!  Duncan is the love of my life, especially since he seems to have the best qualities of my 3 favorite kitties ever --  Gus' joie de vivre, Sybil's attitude and Harley's energy -- and I love spoiling him -- he has more toys than he can find hiding places -- but there has to be a line in the crazy cat lady sand and this was that line for me!  And, honestly, he seemed just as happy with his ice cream and not at all disappointed that it wasn't part of a Cookie O'Puss cake and, yes, I do know that's for St. Pat's but it's a cat and it's a cake, alright?!  Just consider it part of the Crazy Cat Lady Syndrome, ok?

We even had an extended weekend because I wound up home on Monday after over-indulging in some sugar free candy.  It seems that it can cause a "laxative effect" but they only put that in teeny-tiny print on the back of the bag!  And who knew 6 pieces was overdoing it!  But Duncan was thrilled to have his mom home for an extra day and we had lots of fun running to the potty where he could play with the running water, climb across mom's shoulders and jump up on top of the sliding doors!  Of course, then Tuesday came and it was back to work and a very UNhappy Duncan!


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