Duncan's Blog

Duncan \d(u)-ncan, dun-can\ as a boy's name is pronounced DUN-kin. It is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Duncan is "dark warrior; brown fighter". A royal name in early Scotland. Literary: in Shakespeare's "Macbeth", Duncan is king of Scotland.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Videos coming soon! I hope!

Well, somehow or other I managed to get one of the videos on Facebook!  Not sure how that happened but hopefully I'll be able to figure out how to get them on here in the not too distant future!  Keep your fingers crossed, ok?

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Well, 3+ FRUSTRATING hours of messing with videos and NONE of them got downloaded either here or on Facebook.  Will keep working on it but not today -- I'm fried and my Food Network Star show is on soon!  But that doesn't mean Duncan hasn't done anything spectacular!  Of course he does that every day but tonight was truly a new height in hysterical!  He's been a royal pain in the butt all weekend -- mice in bed, knocking my crocheting over, all sorts of funny/annoying things -- but just now he had me howling!  Among other problems, I'm asthmatic.  Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know but I was smoking LONG before I got asthma!  Anyway, with the weather we've had this past week, I'm surprised I haven't had problems breathing until tonight but for whatever reason, that's how its gone.  So I just went to take a hit on my inhaler and naturally, Mr. Curiosity HAD to see what was going on so I put my inhaler down so he could take a sniff and investigate to his heart's content.  Well, he sniffed away and must have suddenly gotten a good whiff of the medicine because he quickly pulled away and, mouth wide open, made gagging noises!  Yeah, I never saw or heard a cat do that either!!  Had me absolutely howling!  God, I love this cat!  Just wish I had my camera ready so I could have caught that face! 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Just too cute for words!

We had company last night and Duncan did his best to impress them with just how cute he can be!  These pictures aren't from last night but I think they prove his point!

What's with the ice cube fascination?!

Duncan LOVES ice cubes!  Every morning I have to put an ice cube in his water bowl so I can leave for work without having to chase him down the stairs and back up into the apartment.  Works like a charm and saves my poor knees that extra trip up and down the stairs.  However, this afternoon I REALLY wanted some ice cubes in my glass of soda so I put 2 in his water bowl and figured I was safe, right?  Wrong!!  I wound up having to drink the soda a lot faster than planned just to keep his paws out of my glass!  Good thing I love him so much!  LOL!


We all have that one part of our bodies that we wish we could change.  For me, its my nose.  I've got my dad's nose -- and his feet, but that's a whole 'nother rant! -- and I've always hated it.  Well, almost always.  For a short time during my mid-30s -- when I was REALLY skinny! -- I decided it was what made my "look" more distinct, different from everyone else.  So the other night when Duncan and I were playing, of course he nipped me right on the end of my nose and now I've got a nice red lump there!  Just like those pictures of an old hag, ya know?!  Gee, thanks a lot, Duncan!  Like I'm not self-conscious enough! 

In the meantime, Duncan continues to force me to rearrange our home!  I've been concerned about the glass on his latest favorite perch breaking since he insists on pouncing on it from the windowsill so now the glass box with Michael Crawford's hat has found a new home on top of the wall unit.  Unfortunately, it doesn't look very good up there but for now its out of harm's way.  One of these days I'm going to have to drag a kitchen chair into the living room and rearrange better but till then, I'll just have to live with it as it is.  He has another perch set up there -- one of the decorative storage boxes that I use for cds and dvds -- and it looks quite good there so that's a good thing!  Just not sure he's real happy with the change!  Oh well!  At least he's safe!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Life gets in the way AGAIN!

I can't believe its been a couple weeks since I've been here!  It's been so hectic and yet I feel as if I've been simply spinning my wheels -- running like hell and getting nowhere fast.  But Duncan keeps me sane and laughing so that's a good thing, right?!  Of course, this morning when I got up and found my drying rack flat out on the floor, I was NOT laughing!  And yesterday morning when I got up and found the kitchen garbage pail on the floor and garbage strewn about the floor, again, I was NOT laughing!  But then he comes tearing up to me and head butts for kisses and all is well with the world again.  Or he kisses my hand -- and then bites my arm! -- and he makes me laugh.  How can such a holy terror be so doggone loveable?!  Its got to be that sweet, innocent little face.  I look into those honey-colored eyes and know there's not a mean bone in his whole body -- spiteful, yes; mean, no! -- and I just melt.  Guess that's why even the most austere philosophers had wonderful things to say about cats! 

Well, hopefully this weekend I can get back here with stories of my little rascal and some new pictures but for now, it's time to get back to work!