Duncan's Blog

Duncan \d(u)-ncan, dun-can\ as a boy's name is pronounced DUN-kin. It is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Duncan is "dark warrior; brown fighter". A royal name in early Scotland. Literary: in Shakespeare's "Macbeth", Duncan is king of Scotland.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Its been awhile!

Once again, life has thrown a whole bunch of curve balls my way but Duncan has been providing the much needed comedy in my life to keep my sane and suicide-free!  So many silly little things -- sure hope I can remember most of them.  That was the whole purpose for this blog, after all: to record all his antics so I would have them forever.  Have some new pix to post, too.  Will try to get to that tonight.  Obviously my camera DOESN'T send them to my facebook page when I tell it to!  Oh well.  Live and learn, right?! 

So.  Duncan.  God, how I love that crazy cat!  Of course, yesterday morning at 5:30 when he was knocking things off my dresser willy-nilly just because HE WANTED ME UP, I was seriously reconsidering that statement but no matter how naughty he gets, there's just no way I can stay angry!  My cousin Laura commented that "damn cat" is sometimes one word.  I swear there are times Duncan must think his name is "God Dammit Duncan"!!!!!!!!  And I'm sure he truly believes he IS God so that would make perfect sense!  But that has become his latest "trick".  He must have figured out knocking things off the other dressers no longer wakes me up because I've removed anything breakable and anything that I might NEED from them but this dresser is supposed to be MINE!  My alarm clocks (yes, plural!  I have TWO of them -- one electric, one battery -- and, yes, I DO need both of them!) are on this dresser.  What's left of my lamps are on this dresser.  And, yes, one of these lamps WAS the subject of an earlier post!  DamnCat!  My jewelry is on this dresser -- most neatly put away but some tossed into a box to be neatly put away on weekends when I do my cleaning.  But that box DOES have a lid!  I have learned THAT much at least with this lunatic!  And the last thing I do at night is take my glasses off and put them on that dresser.  Now they're on the floor when I get up in the morning along with whatever else His Majesty has decided needs to go during the night!  My fear is that they'll be under the bed or the dresser and my crappy knees don't work well enough for me to retrieve things from those places anymore!  Of course, Esa had figured that out and when it was time for him to go to the vet he'd hide under the bed!  But he never hid any of MY stuff under there!  He was SUCH a sweet cat!  Not like this demon I live with now!  Of course, Esa always made me smile and my heart aches for his sweet little ways so much but Duncan makes me absolutely HOWL with laughter.  Esa was precious; Duncan is INSANE!  And, yeah, I DO love this DAMNCAT!!!!!!

Well, I started this post several weeks ago and am only just now getting back to it!  So, before I forget, let's get to all the sweet, crazy, silly, scary things Duncan has been up to lately!

First, the scary/silly!  He has now convinced himself that jumping onto the top of the sliding glass doors in the bath is no longer a good idea!  This past Sunday I heard him jump up there and didn't think much of it till I heard what sounded like frantic scrabbling of claws on metal.  Turns out, he must have been batting at the pot pourri pot that I have on the wall next to the tub and lost his balance.  By the time I got into the bathroom, he was hanging from the frame by all 4 paws upside down and swinging, frantically trying to right himself before he fell!  Normally when I try to grab him and get him off, he resists with all his might.  This time, he seemed more than happy to relinquish his grasp and fell into my arms only to bolt out and into the living room where he turned and glared at the bathroom like it was all the bathroom's fault that he got into trouble!  Poor little guy was really shaken, tho, and, truth be told, so was I.  If he'd lost his grip, he'd have seriously injured himself at the very least.  There's just not enough room for him to flip himself over to land on his feet before he'd have hit the edge of the tub.  A broken back would probably have been inevitable and that was enough to have me shaking for several hours afterward and Duncan willingly submitting to being held, petted and cooed over!

So.  Silly/funny stunts.  He's ALWAYS doing something silly and/or funny so the problem is trying to remember all the crazy stunts he's pulled in the last month or so!  Ok, for starters, I now have a rubber band around my cigarette pack!  The only way to keep Duncan from "hiding" my lighters is to literally attach them to the pack with the rubber band!  There must be at least 4 of them hidden somewhere in my living room at this point!  I'm guessing under one of the couches but since I'm unable to lift them, I'm also guessing they're going to remain hidden!  I'm hoping there's one half of a pair of earrings under the couch, too.  Otherwise, its been tossed with the trash and that definitely is NOT a good thing -- these were a special pair of earrings, a gift from my boss and a pair I really loved!  One of these days I'm going to have to break down and figure out how to move or lift the couch to see what all's under there but until then I can at least hope that my earring is there! 

Ok, that's going to be all there's time for right now.  Have LOTS of pictures that have to be posted here and will try to find some time to do that this weekend.  Speaking of pictures, there will be a Duncan Christmas card this year!  I haven't had a kitty Christmas card since Sybbie posed with her pretty pink boa back in 2009 so this is going to be really special!  Can't wait to see how it turns out!


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