Duncan's Blog

Duncan \d(u)-ncan, dun-can\ as a boy's name is pronounced DUN-kin. It is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Duncan is "dark warrior; brown fighter". A royal name in early Scotland. Literary: in Shakespeare's "Macbeth", Duncan is king of Scotland.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Off to the vet's - AGAIN!

Duncan had earmites when he first came home with me so we went back 2 weeks later to have his ears cleaned and pronounced healthy.  A couple weeks later, they were black again so we went to the vet -- what the heck, he needed to meet everyone there anyway, right?  Well, after terrorizing the poor attendant and letting Dr. K know who was REALLY in charge, we paid the bill and headed back home.  He had an ear infection this time instead of mites and had gotten some medicine in his ears that smelled like bacon so for the next 2 weeks while we made trips to the vet every Saturday, his nickname became Bacon Bits!  Finally, after 3 weeks and 2 doses of the bacony-smelling medicine, he was fine.  Then last night I noticed his right ear is all black and gooky looking again so tomorrow we head back again for more bacon bits!  Poor little guy.  Sure hope the meds work this time.  If not, I'm going to have to suggest they try something that smells like pancakes with maple syrup!


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