Duncan's Blog

Duncan \d(u)-ncan, dun-can\ as a boy's name is pronounced DUN-kin. It is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Duncan is "dark warrior; brown fighter". A royal name in early Scotland. Literary: in Shakespeare's "Macbeth", Duncan is king of Scotland.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Enough with the 4:00 a.m. wakeups!!!

Ever since Duncan has come to live with me, his internal alarm clock seems to go off at 4:00 a.m.  Some mornings its 3:59, some mornings it 4:04, but its always within 5 minutes of 4:00 a.m. and I am NOT a morning person!  Never have been, never will be!  This morning at 4:02 a.m. I was awakened by the sound of a cat clawing at the mattress behind the pillow my head was resting on.  When I was finally able to open one eye and realize it was Duncan, all I could think was "WHAT NOW"??!!  Seems he'd gotten his mouse stuck between the mattress and the headboard.  And anyone who has ever been owned by a cat KNOWS that that is NOT a good thing!  Well, once he realized I was awake -- even if it was only just barely! -- he managed to get that mouse out real quick and shove it in my hand!  Now the "Throw the mouse, mommy" game began!  So there I was, lying in bed, my eyes barely slits as I repeatedly tossed the damn mouse so he could charge off the bed, bat it around for a few minutes -- and trust me when I tell you that at 4:00 a.m. the sound of a fur covered cardboard mouse ticking off the closet door is enough to drive a saint crazy! -- and then BAM, back on the bed so he can shove it back into my hand again.  Why is it cats don't react to tears -- or threats!?!  Of course, when MY alarm clock went off 2 hours later, guess who wanted to snuggle and go back to sleep!  Little putz!


  • At May 26, 2011 at 9:51 PM , Anonymous Macieboo said...

    Ha! Drive a saint crazy!

  • At May 29, 2011 at 4:52 PM , Blogger tigerpast said...

    Could be worse. I dozed off in front of the TV and BAM! Something landed on my stomach, having jumped off the top of a six-foot bookcase. My boob, my stomach, and my right knee (where he re-launched himself) look like I've been whipped with barbed wire.


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