Duncan's Blog

Duncan \d(u)-ncan, dun-can\ as a boy's name is pronounced DUN-kin. It is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Duncan is "dark warrior; brown fighter". A royal name in early Scotland. Literary: in Shakespeare's "Macbeth", Duncan is king of Scotland.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Who says cats aren't smart?!

I've gotten hooked on playing Words With Friends on Facebook.  My friend Linna and I are total Scrabble addicts and play several times a day -- usually 2 games at a time!  Well, what does this have to do with cats in general or Duncan in particular and whether they're smart or not, you ask?  Here's what!  While Linna and I are absorbed in playing, Duncan is being IGNORED and if you've ever had a cat, you KNOW that's the biggest no-no in a kitty's world!  Well, my little guy found a way to let me know just how displeased he was and, in the process, proved once and for all just how smart cats are!  We were deep into a game that lasted quite late last night when Duncan got bored and wanted me to play with him.  Unfortunately, I only have 2 hands and need both to play Words so I didn't have that extra hand to play with his kitty tease.  I tried to explained this to Duncan but he wasn't real happy about it so when Linna and I finally finished our game, he pulled one of his teases out as if he wanted to play.  So I picked it up and started batting it around for him to catch.  His response?  HE TOTALLY IGNORED ME!  He literally sat there and turned his back on my efforts to play with him!  No words were needed -- he made his point quite clearly and emphatically!  So now that I've been quite succinctly put in my place, its time to go back to playing with Duncan!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The crazies strike again!

Having my usual lazy morning -- being retired is wonderful! -- I love being able to wake up naturally instead of to the buzzing of the damned alarm clock and then wandering into the living room (after feeding Duncan, of course!) and just giving myself time to fully come to life.  I've never been a "morning person" and it takes time for me to get moving so this is now my routine.  Duncan, on the other hand, wakes up full of piss and vinegar and today he's having a ball racing around the house like the crazy cat that he is!  One of his favorite things is to run around the living room without ever touching the floor!  He comes flying in from wherever he's been -- right now he's on top of the sliding glass doors in the shower! -- hitting the top of the couch in one leap, then racing across the couch, onto the curio cabinet, from there to the windowsill, across the table in the corner, onto the snack tray (yes, I eat in the living room so it's always up!), from there to the book shelves, up onto the air conditioner (all of the air conditioners are in the walls here) and then up onto the top of the wall unit, down onto the cd stand and from there he flies out of the living room and on to the rest of the house!  Duncan with a case of the crazies is more fun than anything else, especially when his race across the couch includes a detour across mama's lap!  Life is definitely never dull with this clown!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Catnip Overload!

It seems Duncan's second birthday was a success!  He played with one of his new mice, beat up his new kitty tease and had some awesome weed, Dude!  Evidently the organic catnip at Petco is some righteous stuff!  He played his little heart out, pile driving his scratching board all over the place and wore himself all the way out!

Duncan's new job - window monitor!

Its been raining off and on -- mostly on! -- all day today.  Its muggy but not really hot so I've got the living room windows open and Duncan has been curled up in his cat tree napping.  I figured if the rain was coming in, he'd be out of there like a shot so as long as he's enjoying his nap time, I can enjoy a bit of fresh air!  Its just been that kind of lazy day.  Had the BEST mani/pedi earlier this afternoon so we've just been hanging out, being lazy.

Don't you just love the way his long tail curls around his sleeping spot?!

Enough with the pictures, Mom!!!!!!!!  Trying to SLEEP here!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Duncan's 2nd birthday!

I'm a bit late with this but was finally able to get to Petco and, thanks to Duncan's Aunt Jo and Uncle Bob, Duncan had a very happy belated birthday celebration!  He now has a whole pack of new mice (about 15 of them!), 2 new kitty teases, treats and catnip!  He was napping on the couch when I woke him up to play so he's not quite as animated as he usually is but I think you get the idea how happy -- and spoiled! -- he is anyway!  Happy Birthday, Duncan!


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Blah, blah, blah...

I've been fighting a nasty bout of asthmatic bronchitis for a week now so that is more a statement of mood than anything else!  I even forgot to celebrate my little boy's second birthday on June 4!  Fortunately for Duncan, his sweet Aunt Jo and Uncle Bob DIDN'T forget him!  And I will make it up to him as soon as I kick this damned bug and can get to Petco for some toys.

In the meantime, Duncan has been the best little boy.  He's been so patient with his cranky mama.  He sleeps beside me when I nap during the day and curls up with me at night.  He does come to make sure I'm still breathing sometimes during the night which involves climbing on top of me and poking me with his cold, wet nose -- usually either in the ear or the eyes!  -- and 10 1/2 lbs of cat climbing on me generally wakes me out of the deepest sleep!  But I know he's a good boy and just showing his concern so I can't be angry with him for that, now, can I?! 

I've been trying to spend some time playing with him during this week but its been difficult.  Between the asthma and the coughing fits, I don't have a lot of energy but, again, Duncan has proven to be the sweetest little boy.  He seems to understand that mama's not herself and doesn't push it when I tell him I can't play anymore.  Again, once I'm feeling better, this little guy will be getting lots of play time!  I'm definitely going to have to stock up on some new mice for him to catch and kill! 

So, belated happy birthday, little Duncan and mama will definitely reward your sweetness and patience -- hopefully very soon!  I love you, my little furry angel!