PLEASE, Duncan! Just a little more sleep!
One of the benefits of being retired is supposed to be able to sleep in after a bad night. I do set my alarm for 10:00 a.m. so I don't sleep the whole day away but this morning Duncan had me up at 8:00 a.m. Seems he was hungry. So I dragged my tired old butt out to the kitchen, fed the little bugger and then headed back to bed. Just as I was starting to fall back to sleep, Duncan decided to turn the bedroom into the Indy 500! ZOOM!!!!!! Across my pillows -- and my head! Up on the windowsills, across the dressers and WHAM, back on the bed. Then he was off and running around the room again, rattling the drying rack which I had folded up at the foot of the bed, batting his mouse around, flipping it up in the air and then scrambling to catch it, then racing across the bed just to make sure I didn't fall back to sleep and miss any of his antics! I finally gave up and got up.
So NOW he's decided its NAP TIME! NO WAY, JOSE! Now its mama's turn! There will be NO NAPPING today! Maybe if I wear his furry little butt out during the day, he'll decide to sleep TONIGHT! Of course, he gets really annoyed with me every time I wake him up and I get the "What the hell is WRONG with you" look! Payback is SUCH a bitch! BWA-HA-HA-HAAAAAAAAA!