Duncan's Blog

Duncan \d(u)-ncan, dun-can\ as a boy's name is pronounced DUN-kin. It is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Duncan is "dark warrior; brown fighter". A royal name in early Scotland. Literary: in Shakespeare's "Macbeth", Duncan is king of Scotland.

Friday, April 27, 2012

PLEASE, Duncan! Just a little more sleep!

As I've mentioned, I've been having trouble sleeping lately because of my arthritis so FINALLY this morning I was able to fall into a deep sleep but it seems Duncan wasn't happy about that!  Mind you, this was after he brought his kitty tease to bed around 2:00 a.m. so we could play!

One of the benefits of being retired is supposed to be able to sleep in after a bad night.  I do set my alarm for 10:00 a.m. so I don't sleep the whole day away but this morning Duncan had me up at 8:00 a.m.  Seems he was hungry.  So I dragged my tired old butt out to the kitchen, fed the little bugger and then headed back to bed.  Just as I was starting to fall back to sleep, Duncan decided to turn the bedroom into the Indy 500!  ZOOM!!!!!!  Across my pillows -- and my head!  Up on the windowsills, across the dressers and WHAM, back on the bed.  Then he was off and running around the room again, rattling the drying rack which I had folded up at the foot of the bed, batting his mouse around, flipping it up in the air and then scrambling to catch it, then racing across the bed just to make sure I didn't fall back to sleep and miss any of his antics!  I finally gave up and got up. 

So NOW he's decided its NAP TIME!  NO WAY, JOSE!  Now its mama's turn!  There will be NO NAPPING today!  Maybe if I wear his furry little butt out during the day, he'll decide to sleep TONIGHT!  Of course, he gets really annoyed with me every time I wake him up and I get the "What the hell is WRONG with you" look!  Payback is SUCH a bitch!  BWA-HA-HA-HAAAAAAAAA!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Its always something with Duncan around!

Damned cat!  I've been having trouble sleeping lately thanks to the weather aggravating my arthritis so I'm amazed that I slept through his latest antic!  I've been waking up every couple hours for about a week now and at one point I woke up to hear him digging into the box with the new pair of sneakers I bought yesterday.  That warranted a pillow thrown in his direction!  Then, I woke up this morning, stumbled into the kitchen and there was the garbage pail, on its side with everything spilled out on the floor!  Lord only knows what he thought I was hiding in there that he just had to have but obviously there was something that got him going!  But everything is picked up and out in the trash now and we've kissed and made up so we'll see how long it takes him to find something new to get into!  Of course, now he's all snuggled up next to me on the couch and just being the sweetheart he really is!  No way I can ever stay angry with him for long, the little dickens!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Duncan makes a donation.

Went to the local animal shelter today to drop off some food that Duncan has decided is unworthy of him as well as some towels and dish cloths.  Of course, they had a whole bunch of kitties looking for forever homes there, too!  There was one fellow, a BIG boy named Butchy, who really caught my eye.  He's a tabby cat with a really sweet "purrsonality" -- a rather chatty fellow -- and HUGE!  Now mind you, Duncan is no slouch in the size department at 10 1/2 lbs and when he decides he wants something he is absolutely single-minded in his determination!  Of course, the fact that I'm basically a pushover when it comes to Duncan helps, too!  Perfect example:  the new cat tree so he can get on and off the wall unit more easily!  Never mind that I had to relocate most of the tchotchkes I kept up there so he could clamber about and flop wherever he wants -- it's become his favorite place to lounge in the evening and his go-to spot when he wants to show off for company so they can see just how "talented" he is!  That's just what good momcats do, tho, right?!  But I'm betting Butchy would have given Duncan a run for his kibble!  In the end, tho, I had to admit that Duncan seems pretty darned happy being the only king in his castle so, sadly for Butchy, I left empty-handed.  But it was nice to visit with him and the other kitties there.  So many pretty cats looking for homes.  Just wish I had a mansion so I could have taken all of them home with me.  Guess I'm going to have to start buying lottery tickets!

Monday, April 16, 2012

One loooooooong kitty!

All stretched out in his favorite perch!

Silly, smiley cat!

"Helping" mama make the bed!  He was "hiding" under a pillow case here!

Duncan hanging out on his cat tree

Praying for a mouse?

And the fuzzy lazer eyes!

I know this is cheating, but....

This cat is just so darned cute that I just have to post these pictures!  Its been 86 degrees here today and he is just knocked out with the heat so he's been lying around all day long and being adorable.  But at least he's not getting into trouble!  Snapped the following of him trying to stay cool.

These are from last night.  It'd been a busy day and he was just conked out on the couch and, yeah, again, looking adorable!

And from this angle, AAAAH!  ITS THE HEADLESS KITTY!

Time for a long overdue update!

Once again, life has gotten in the way of this blog!  So now it's time to get busy and let you all in on everything Duncan's been up to lately!  First, what IS it about the towel drawer that he loves so much?!  I've finally "thrown in the towel" (pun ABSOLUTELY intended!) and moved them out of that drawer.  Obviously, though, that was the attraction!  He has now moved on to my lingerie chest -- mainly the top drawer with my bras!