Not a happy little boy!
Duncan has been avoiding me for the last few hours. But he looks SO handsome since he got brushed! I didn't get to do a whole lot but 2 brushfulls of fur worked wonders! Hopefully we won't have any more furballs now!
A tough day in Duncanville!
Poor Duncan! He had a traumatic day today -- but I just HAD to clip his claws! Its always a battle to get this done so I usually wait till they get a little longer than they probably should be but when he curls up on my chest for his nap and all I can feel is little daggers when he makes biscuits, it's got to be done! Guess I'll wait till next week to brush him -- another nightmare for him to live through, at least in his book! Such a poor, "abused" little kitty! Who knew when he adopted me that he'd have to live through such horrors!