Duncan's Blog

Duncan \d(u)-ncan, dun-can\ as a boy's name is pronounced DUN-kin. It is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Duncan is "dark warrior; brown fighter". A royal name in early Scotland. Literary: in Shakespeare's "Macbeth", Duncan is king of Scotland.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

It's been pretty hectic with the holidays but looking forward to 2013!  Hopefully it'll be a great year!  Duncan's already passed out -- little lightweight!  He started partying way to early!  

Wishing everyone a healthy and happy 2013!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

King of the Castle.

I guess with winter finally coming on strong Duncan has been going into hibernation mode -- just like his momma!  For whatever reason, its been pretty quiet here lately.  Except for last night, of course!  He decided the cabinet over the fridge needed inspection again and then couldn't get out so he started banging things around inside the cabinet till I came and "rescued" him!  But for the most part, he's been pretty quiet.  Most of his time is spent napping on the couch while I'm online, watching tv and crocheting.  So for now, just a few pix of him in his favorite perch -- snuggled into the afghan or his favorite pillow on top of the afghan!


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Duncan learns a new lesson!

Today's lesson:  never leap up onto something that's built like a slide!!!!   I was trying to make dinner when Duncan decided he HAD to be on the counter and then decided he REALLY needed to be on top of the stove vent cover!  He hit the vent cover, started sliding and then tried to leap off and he, my dinner plate, fork and knife all went flying!  Fortunately, the knife didn't hit either of us and I was able to catch Duncan before he hit the floor but not before he managed to claw my arm up!  But a scratch is no biggie so long as my little guy is ok and has learned his lesson!  Only time will tell!  Never a dull moment since Duncan came to live here!   

Monday, December 3, 2012

Cleaning house.

Evidently Duncan has decided to "help" me clean out old stuff.  Unfortunately, he doesn't get the difference between old stuff and good stuff!  His idea of helping involves getting into one of the kitchen cabinets that he's never bothered with before and dumping canned goods onto the cups and glasses in the drying rack.  We now have 1 less wine glass and 1 less coffee mug.  The coffee mug is no big deal -- other than the fact that it was one of my favorite mugs! -- but the wine glass was 1 of 3 left of a set of 4 so now we're down to 2 wine glasses.  Guess its time to hit the dollar store and restock!  Oh well.  I was tired of that set of glasses anyway!  He certainly has earned the nickname Crash, tho!  At this rate, I should have all new stuff within a couple years!  So far, we're down 2 lamps, several picture frames, the mug and the wine glass!  Lord only knows what'll be next!  Maybe while I'm at the dollar store I'll invest in some locks for the cabinets that will work better than the rubber bands I've got on them right now!