Duncan's Blog

Duncan \d(u)-ncan, dun-can\ as a boy's name is pronounced DUN-kin. It is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Duncan is "dark warrior; brown fighter". A royal name in early Scotland. Literary: in Shakespeare's "Macbeth", Duncan is king of Scotland.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

HOLY COW -- its been awhile!

Between being crazy crocheting Christmas gifts and then Sandy taking my internet away for a week, its been way too long since I've been here!  Lots of silly things to report on Duncan, tho!  He has also earned the nickname Crash Kelly!  Here are some pix of the aftermath of his latest calamity -- he knocked the top shelf off the wall and shattered some porcelain dolls I've had since I was a kid.  I didn't take pix of the broken trinkets -- just too upset, I swept them up as quickly as possible and just moved on so I wouldn't toss him out on the streets!  He really is a good little boy and I know he doesn't mean to be destructive -- he's just the most curious little guy and gets into places I never imagined in my wildest dreams!  So this is just to show where the shelf USED to be!  You can still see the marks on the wall!  As you can see, he had to take the "overland" route -- from the top of the glass sliding doors to the top of the cabinet and then across the medicine cabinet!

Of course we made up fairly soon after and he was back to being his adorable self.  This basket was part of a gift from friends -- they FILLED it with goodies! -- and then I was using it to store blankets till I could deliver them to Project Linus but then Duncan discovered it and has made it his.  Now there's only 1 blanket it in and its also his!  We were playing peek-a-boo -- he'd duck down and wait till I'd call him to pop up and look at me!  Silly goose!  He makes me laugh just like Gus used to!

He also loves his scratching board and his tunnel!  He actually hides in there and then runs out to "scare" whoever walks by!

And now for some schmaltz!  He really does love his momma's blankets!  



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