NOT a happy kitty!
Just got Duncan's id tag from Trupanion so I put it on his collar and then put his collar on him! He is NOT happy! LOL! But he's protected and now if he gets out, he can find his way home! That's always been one of my worst fears -- any of my furbabies "escaping" and getting lost. His collar is a breakaway but at least I feel a little better having him wear his id tag. Not like he ever goes out but I worry anyway. I want to get him one of those great kitty harnesses so I can start taking him out for walks once in awhile and now I'll be able to without worrying quite so much. Oh and he looks SO handsome in his gold collar! Another benefit is, with the tag and the jingle bell on his collar, I'll be able to know where he is in the house!
At March 14, 2012 at 4:24 PM ,
tigerpast said...
My cats have all torn off their collars, except for Snuffy. The shortcut to know it's Snuff (sometimes hard to tell with 5 sealpoints) is the collar. You might also consider getting Duncan microchipped, since collars can come off and get lost.
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