Duncan's Blog

Duncan \d(u)-ncan, dun-can\ as a boy's name is pronounced DUN-kin. It is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Duncan is "dark warrior; brown fighter". A royal name in early Scotland. Literary: in Shakespeare's "Macbeth", Duncan is king of Scotland.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th everyone!

Had a wonderful time today!  Met some friends for lunch at my favorite restaurant (Gencarelli's, of course!) and had a great time chatting and catching up on what everyone's been up to and fabulous food with lots of leftovers for tonight's dinner!  Actually tried something different today instead of my usual favorites and, as always, it was wonderful.  Of course, everything I've had there has been delicious so this wasn't a surprise!  The place is spacious, clean and comfortable, the staff is friendly and we were able to sit and eat and visit at our leisure, which is just what we all look forward to wherever we go.

After a 3 1/2 hour lunch, Mary and I exchanged kitty stuff.  Duncan never warmed up to the EmeryCat scratching board and he had no use for the mice I got him for his birthday -- they weren't fur covered!  Yeah, he's SO spoiled! -- so hopefully Mary's Buddy will like them.  She had some food that Buddy can't eat now -- he has FUS so he's on a special diet -- so Duncan got lucky!  So did I becasue we were getting low on food and now I don't have to make a trip to Petco!  Talk about a win/win!  There were some loose treats on the bottom of the bag and before I could even finish emptying it, he was IN the bag chowing down!  Obviously he likes them and, after the day we had yesterday, it was a really nice treat for him.  He woke me up yesterday around 4:40 zooming around the bedroom like it was the Indy 500!  Usually when he does that SOMETHING winds up broken but he got lucky for a nice change.  Of course, then he woke me up again around 8:30 because he was hungry after all the energy he burned racing around like a lunatic and I gave up and got up for good but I was definitely NOT a happy mom-cat!  He had a case of the crazies most of the day and about drove me nuts with his antics -- mostly because I was still tired (read: CRANKY!) and not in any mood to put up with him!  I know, I know, I should be a better mom-cat but I've never done well at anything after a bad night!  What can I say?  I NEED my sleep!  But today's been a lot better and I'm looking forward to watching the fireworks tonight with my little guy.  There were some last night but for whatever reason, Duncan parked himself on top of the wall unit and refused to come watch!  Guess we were BOTH out of sorts yesterday! 

So, all in all, today has been a great day for both of us and things are back to normal -- he's being adorable and I'm happy just being with him!  Life is definitely good at Casa Kelly!  Hope everyone has just as great a 4th of July as Duncan and I have had!


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